PadidAvaran Sadid

Padidavaran Sadid

Padidavaran Sadid Jahanbin Company is a knowledge based company in Agriculture with expert professors in Horticultural sciences.This company resided in Science Park and Technology related to Ministry Science of Research and Technology (Iran). Our expert is commercial rose Stenting production (propagation) due to many years’ research and development on rose propagation Stenting propagation in completely controlled conditions free from any pests and or diseases by LED lighting system is fir .our honor

Commercial propagated roses by Stenting method possess more flower quality compare to cutting propagated ones. Flowering time is longer and their resistance to different environmental and parasitic conditions is much better compare to other .propagation methods

    • One of the most problems in rose propagation is Agrobacterium infection. We could reveal and control this problem by use of tissue culture propagated rootstocks and hygienic instruction methods and .periodical laboratory tests, too

    Padidavvaran Sadid Jahanbin

    Padidavaran Sadid Jahanbin,Park Science & Technology Building.
    Ferdowsi and Khajeh-Nasir Cross, Shahrekord, Iran.

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